We are beginning our yearly focus on Parish Stewardship.
We invite you to reflect on how God has blessed you in
your lives, and in the coming weeks, we will ask you to
consider returning a proper portion of those blessings
to your parish as we continue the mission set before us
by Jesus Christ.
We ask everyone to prayerfully evaluate your giving to
the parish community, and after praying, fill out a
commitment card and return it to the office or place it in
the collection basket as soon as possible. You may also
submit your pledge below.
Your gift to the parish supports the many costs of
running the parish, including the many ministries and it
helps all of us build up the Body of Christ.
Have you wondered what Stewardship as a Way of Life
means? See how it is being lived out in parishes
of the Archdiocese of Seattle. Please watch Archbishop
Eitenne's "Spirituality of Stewardship" video below.