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Fr. Bryan

Staffing Updates: New Job Opportunities

As you are likely aware, we have had several job opportunities posted at our local parishes over the last few months. One was a manager of facilities and maintenance. Well, we are very happy to announce that we have filled this position and our new employee, Mark, will be starting very soon. Welcome to the team, Mark!

This was not the only job we posted. We also posted a job for a director of evangelization for children and youth. While we interviewed some great applicants, we just didn't feel we had the right fit so we did not offer the job to anyone. Instead we decided to prayerfully consider some other options.

This led us to consider posting three part time job opportunities, rather than one full time opportunity with benefits. We will look for a person to leader our children's faith formation programs and first communion preparation. We will also look for a person to lead our high school youth ministry and confirmation preparation. Finally, we are looking for a coordinator of Spanish speaking ministries and events.

The full ads are below. If you or someone you know is interested in any of these jobs, please call the office or email for a job description and application packet. And of course, please continue to pray for us as we begin our search! The deadline for these applications is July 9th, or until the position is filled. Thank you all!

Part time Spanish Ministry Coordinator

St. Rose Catholic Church in Longview Washington is interested in hiring a part time bilingual Spanish ministry coordinator. The person in this role is responsible for training and scheduling volunteers in various ministries and overseeing preparation for funerals, weddings, quinceañeras, and baptism. This role will also assist volunteers in organizing social functions and celebrations such as Our Lady of Guadalupe. Please call 360-425-4660 or contact for a job description and application packet.

Part time High School Youth Ministry and Confirmation Assistant

St. Rose Catholic Church in Longview, Washington is searching for a part time assistant for our high school youth ministry and youth confirmation preparation. The person in this role will assist in the execution of our summer confirmation preparation, our high school youth ministry (September through May), and will help organize service projects, including a summer mission trip to Mexico. Ideally the candidate will be English/Spanish bilingual; however, if you feel called to apply – please do so. If you are interested in this role, please call 360-425-4660 or contact for a job description and application packet.

Part time Religious Education Coordinator

St. Rose Catholic Church in Longview, Washington is searching for a part time coordinator of religious education for children (Kindergarten through 7th grade). This primary role will be to oversee our weekly religious education classes (September through May) and to prepare everyone in that age group for sacraments, most notably first communion. Ideally the candidate will be English/Spanish bilingual; however, if you feel called to apply – please do so. If you are interested in this role, please call 360-425-4660 or contact for a job description and application packet.

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