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Jesus said to his disciples,

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:18-20


The Vision

"The outcome of a successful pastoral planning process will be a Church that reflects the Risen Christ to others. The goal is to help people have a conversation experience so they can draw closer to the Church and joyfully share Christ with the world today."


Intercessory Prayer Team

We are at a crucial time for our local parishes.  We have already weathered many storms in the last few years, and we are proud of how resilient our parishioners have been.  There are still some storms ahead, however, and we will not be able to weather these storms without fervent prayer.  As we move out of the pandemic, parish life is going to change, and we must pray constantly to be led by the Holy Spirit.
If you know someone who has a gift for intercessory prayer and will be a helpful intercessor in these times, please fill out this nomination form so we can contact them and invite them to participate.

Expectations: Attend occasional group meetings (less than monthly), and pray privately daily. 
You are not "signing anyone up" by nominating them.  We will contact nominees to give them more information about this ministry.

Prayer for Pastoral Planning

Lord Jesus, we give you thanks for your ministry on earth, in which you proclaimed the Kingdom of God and conversion of life. We give you thanks for your passion, death and resurrection by which you manifested the perfect love of God, offering all who believe in you the gift of eternal life. We thank you for your promise to remain with us always as we faithfully carry out your mission. As members of your Mystical Body, the Church, we come to you seeking the gift and guidance
of your Holy Spirit. Help us to become who you call us to be and to accomplish all you ask of us according to the will of the Father. Grant us the grace of knowing you, loving you and serving you in all our brothers and sisters. Grant that our faith in you may permeate every aspect of our lives. Help us to shed all worldly ways that we may live the Gospel with truth and integrity. Grant that we may be more perfectly conformed to you and live as your witnesses in the world today.

Mother of the New Evangelization, pray for us!



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